Identifying and evaluating novel behavioural biometrics to support identity attribution across the physical / digital divide

Partners: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, US Department of Homeland Security, University of Bath, University of Dundee, University of Kent, University of Leicester & University of Oxford.

Funding Body
Grant Reference
Research Associate



Predicting sex as a soft-biometrics from device interaction swipe gestures
Oscar Miguel-Hurtado, Sarah V. Stevenage, Chris Bevan and Richard Guest. 2016. Pattern Recognition Letters.
Different strokes for different folks? Revealing the physical characteristics of smartphone users from their swipe gestures
Chris Bevan and Danaë Stanton Fraser. 2016. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies. Elsevier.
Who am I? Representing the self offline and in different online contexts
Lia Emanuel, Greg J. Neil, Chris Bevan, Danaë Stanton Fraser, Sarah V. Stevenage, Monica T. Whitty and Sue Jamison-Powell. 2014. Computers in Human Behavior. Elsevier.
Factors In The Emergence And Sustainability Of Self-Regulation
Chris Bevan, Lia Emanuel, Julian Padget, Juani Swart, John Powell and Shadi Basurra. 2013. AISB Convention. Social Coordination: Principles, Artefacts and Theories. Exeter, UK.
What does your profile really say about you?: privacy warning systems and self-disclosure in online social network spaces
Lia Emanuel, Chris Bevan and Duncan Hodges. 2013. In CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI EA '13). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 799-804.


Constructing Civic Cyber Society
. EPSRC Delivery Fund, University of Bath.